As the President of the American Trucking Association, Chris Spear has been ardently championing Women in Trucking (WIT), a non-profit organization committed to improving job prospects for women within the trucking industry and elevating their public profile.

The ATA’s Women in Trucking program is a vital component of the trucking industry, promoting recruitment, retention, and advancement of female drivers through mentorship, networking, and professional development opportunities. Spear wholeheartedly lauds this effort, as diversity and inclusion will be beneficial to everyone involved. Spear strongly encourages other related organizations to provide an encouraging atmosphere for women entering the truck driving profession.

The Women in Trucking Program is devoted to elevating the reputation of female truckers by promoting their accomplishments and contributions. Furthermore, it seeks to raise awareness of the need for diversity within this profession while inspiring more women to pursue a career as drivers.

Statistics indicate that only 7% of truck drivers in the US are women; however, with WIT’s dedication to increasing this number, female employment is gradually rising. The organization has launched various initiatives to make a career in trucking more desirable for women by providing better working conditions, higher wages, and flexible schedules. This way, they can reap the many benefits this profession offers without compromising their personal lives.

WIT strives to increase the representation of women in the trucking industry through a range of initiatives. These include:

  • Recruitment: WIT works with trucking companies, trucking schools, and other organizations to raise awareness about the trucking industry as a career option for women and to provide information about the various opportunities available.
  • Mentoring: WIT provides mentoring opportunities for women in the trucking industry, connecting them with experienced female drivers who can provide support and guidance as they navigate their careers.
  • Networking: WIT hosts events and networking opportunities for female drivers, creating a platform for them to connect and build professional relationships.
  • Professional Development: WIT offers professional development opportunities such as training, workshops, and conferences to help women improve their skills and advance their careers within the industry.
  • Publicity: By highlighting the accomplishments of female drivers, WIT aims to raise the visibility of female employees in the industry and encourage more women to consider it as a career option.
  • Industry Involvement: WIT encourages active participation from female drivers in events, conferences, etc which promote diversity and inclusion in the trucking field.

Breaking Tradition

Historically, women have been kept out of the trucking industry due to gender stereotypes, lifestyle expectations, safety concerns, and a lack of understanding of diversity. However, with organizations like Women In Trucking bringing attention to these issues and helping create more open-minded business environments that are accessible for female truck drivers, we are seeing an influx in women joining this sector — leading to greater representation and inclusivity across the entire industry!

Male dominance in the trucking industry can be attributed to multiple reasons, including:

  • Stereotypes: The traditional stereotype of truck drivers being men has led many women to not consider it as a viable career option. This notion has been reinforced in media portrayals, where truck drivers are often depicted as tough, rugged men.
  • Lifestyle: Long hours of driving and extended periods away from home can make the lifestyle unattractive to some women who have family obligations.
  • Safety concerns: There is an unfortunate perception that the trucking industry is unsafe for women due to potential harassment and assault on the road. This has likely scared off some female job seekers from entering this field.
  • Lack of awareness: The lack of marketing to women regarding careers in trucking, coupled with its “blue-collar” label, may be contributing to why so few women choose it as a profession.
  • Discrimination: Studies have revealed that there may indeed be a gender pay gap in this industry, as well as reports of discrimination when it comes to promotions and hiring decisions.

Through their efforts, Women In Trucking is helping to make positive strides toward achieving greater equality within the trucking industry.  With their work continues to gain momentum every year. Women in trucking have the potential to create significant change within this sector, and Women In Trucking is helping make that happen. 

WIT has not only been instrumental in advocating for gender equality in the industry, but it has also helped propel the success of female drivers across America. Women In Trucking is ensuring that female drivers can truly thrive in the trucking industry – let’s continue to support them!